For the Love of Awe

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For the Love of Awe

Looking back on the artwork I’ve made over the past 20 years I have to ask myself,

“What’s the point?”

As a young person, why did I commit to four years of schooling and take out a student loan to study “Art”? Why did I take on the role of Course Union President at my University? Why did I start multiple pop-up art galleries over the years and exhibit the work of others? Why have I made thousands of artworks myself and exhibited them around the world? What have I been trying to say with all this “work”?

Over the years I’ve written many artist statements for myself. Unfortunately, they are no help to me right now
You see, when I’m in the middle of the “work” my perspective is short-sighted. It’s very much like the classic saying “You can’t see the forest for the trees” because when involved in creating I can’t see the totality of the “work” until I have created enough distance. Once enough time has passed, and the dust has settled only then can I have a clear perspective about my motivations.

I think enough time has now passed that I can be honest with you about my practice and I can start telling you a better story about my journey.

Previously, it seemed impossible to state the obvious but now it seems so simple.

All this time I was searching for something beyond what I saw around me. I wanted to experience uniqueness by making and showing unique things. I wanted to lock myself in a room and make something I’ve never seen before only to emerge to show others hoping they’d never seen anything like it either. I wanted to share my Illuminations as I entered back into Plato’s cave and tell others there is nothing to fear in the shadows.  

I wanted to “play” with materials and create challenges for myself. I wanted to embark on unknown journeys with friends and return with magic elixirs so that we could share the story of our adventures with others. I am in search of Awe, wonder, and the futile attempt to express that which cannot be expressed.

One quote that has been with me all this time comes from the 17th century by German Poet Wolfgang von Goeth “Science Arose from Poetry when the times change the two can meet again on a higher level.” I think that time is now.

Artists and have been making awe-inspiring work for centuries it was often in service or illustrating metaphysical phenomenon, the experience of transcendence. As we’ve moved along our path of measurement, we’ve been able to study this phenomenon of Awe and its effects. No longer is it some unmeasurable experience. Awe is not in transcendence but deep in presence. When in a state of Awe, time feels different. This is the state of being in the present moment where “work” becomes “play”.

My collages are now meant to be playful because in this pursuit of Awe you will inevitably need to let go of your preconceptions and just play.

I hope that my collages can Inspire Awe in you.


“Why Beauty?”


Nature Vs. Nurture